Quarry in the Area of the La Grande-3 Hydroelectric Development

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Project summary

Hydro-Québec currently relies on remote quarry sites for quality gravel needed for its operations at the La Grande-3 sector. The proponent wishes to open a quarry at 7.2 km of LG3 Road on Category III land. The proposed quarry will have an area of approximately 12.6 ha. The proposed quarry site is enclosed between the LG3 road and two 735 kV transmission lines.  This site was selected primarily for the surrounding topography, its ease of access, the possibility of installing a storage area and good long-term production potential. The quarry will include an extraction area, an organic soil deposition service area, a crushing area and a fuel and hazardous materials storage site. A 450 meters road will be built from the LG3 road to access the site. The quarry is currently planned to operate at a rate that will provide the aggregates needed to carry out projects at the La Grande-3 development site over a 20-year horizon.


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