James Bay Lithium Mine by Galaxy Lithium (Canada) inc.

Step in the procedure

Information on the projet


Galaxy Lithium (Canada) inc.

Reference number


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Project summary

The project involves the exploitation of a spodumene deposit. The main planned infrastructures includes an open pit, a spodumene concentrator with a capacity of 2,000,000 t / year, storage and overburden storage areas, waste rock / tailings, ore and concentrate, water retention ponds, a water treatment plant, an explosives storage site, a worker camp, as well as administrative and operational buildings. The existing road network allows access to the site.

Ore will be mined from the open pit using conventional mining methods, including drilling and blasting. A combined pile will be built to store waste rock and tailings. The ore processing process will include ore crushing followed by separation in dense media. Ore processing will result in a concentrate of approximately 6% lithium oxide.

Construction work at the mine site is scheduled to begin in 2020, with commissioning in 2022. The mine will be in operation for approximately 15 to 20 years.

Details on location

The James Bay lithium mine project is located about 10 kilometers south of the Eastmain river, about 100 km east of James Bay, near the James Bay Highway 381 roadside stop . The property is on category III lands.


Preliminary information

Environmental and social impact assessment


Public participation - Announcement of public hearings by COMEX

Public participation - Presentations by the proponent and COMEX

Livestream Links

Public participation - Reports submitted during the public hearings

Documents produced by COMEX

Documents produced by the MELCC

Table provided by MELCC


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