Construction of a mine road connecting Route 167 to the Renard diamond mine
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Information on the projet
Stornoway Diamonds (Canada) Inc.
Reference number
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Project summary
The mine road starts at km 143 of the extension of Route 167-Nord and ends at km 240, for a total length of about 97 km. The road is designed according to the design criteria for class III forest roads. It has a single roadway with average width of 7.5 m and cleared width of 28 m. Passing zones are located every 1,000 m and 8 parking areas are planned for various locations. The parking areas and passing zones are designed so as to have the least possible impact on the environment of the region. Road construction was completed at the end of summer 2014.
Details on location
This project is related to the project to extend Route 167-Nord towards the Otish Mountains. In fact, the Ministère des Transports had originally planned to construct a 243-kilometre extension of Route 167-Nord northward from Mistissini to connect that community to the Renard diamond mine project. For administrative reasons, the Ministère des Transports was not able to provide the mine with the road on schedule. The Stornoway Diamond company of Canada therefore reached an agreement with the Ministère des Transports to construct the last sections of the road to ensure the sustainability of their project. Stornoway Diamonds decided to meet its needs by constructing a public mine road instead of the permanent multi-use road the Ministère des Transports had originally planned.
Table provided by MDDELCC
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On December 14, 2012, the certificate of authorization for Route 167-Nord was split into two parts. The MTQ continues to hold the authorization for kilometres 0-143, while Stornoway Diamonds (Canada) now holds the certificate for the portion of road extending between km 143 and km 250. Each of these entities must comply with the conditions attached to their respective certificates of authorization.