The archives of news are kept on this page for one year.
Minutes and other documents
Annual Report 2022-2023
The 2022-2023 annual report is now online.
Annual Report 2021-2022
The 2021-2022 annual report is now online.
Annual report 2020-2021
The 2020-2021 annual report is now online.
2018-2019 Action Plan : Continuing with innovation
The 2018-2019 action plan is now online.
Annual report 2017-2018
The 2017-2018 annual report is now online.
2017-2018 Action Plan Follow-up
COMEX presents the follow-up of actions taken as part of its 2017-2018 Action Plan for better integration of climate change and demystifying the environmental and social impact review procedure (extract from the 2017-2018 annual report).
2017-2018 Action Plan : For Better Integration of Climate Change and Demystifying the Environmental and Social Impact Review Procedure
Click on this link to access the document : 2017-2018 Action Plan
Québec Mines 2017
On November 20th, COMEX held its a course on environmental and social assessments in the territory of Eeyou Istchee James Bay as part of the Québec Mines seminar at the Québec City convention center. More than 30 people came to listen and talk to COMEX members.
Click on the following link to access the course content : COMEX_QCMines 2017-11-20
Annual Report 2015-2016
The 2015-2016 annual report is now online.
Minutes of the 331st, 332nd, 332-B, 333rd and 333-B meeting of the Review Committee
The Minutes of the 331st, 332nd, 332-B, 333rd and 333-B meeting of the Review Committee are now available.
COMEX New chairman
To learn more about the new COMEX chairman, Mr. Luc Lainé, please visit the following link: Luc Lainé
Québec Mines 2018 – A short course not to be missed !
On Quebec Mines + Energy convention, a short course will be held on the risks and vulnerabilities of the mining sector to climate change and new requirements for their consideration in the context of the environmental and social review process of mining projects in the northern regions.Do not miss this short course. Register quickly ! -
2016-2017 Action Plan to Improve Public Participation
The action plan is now online.
Consultations conducted by the proponent: expectations of the COMEX
The expectations of the COMEX are now online. The purpose of this document is to clarify the needs and expectations of the COMEX so that during its project review, it can properly assess all information gathered during consultations held by the proponent.
New President
Next meetings
Meetings of the COMEX
COMEX 430 : 27 November, 2024 (Videoconference)
James Bay Lithium mine project by Galaxy Lithium
COMEX recommendation on the James Bay Lithium mine project, as well as the review report (French only – English version pending), are now available:
James Bay Lithium Mine by Galaxy Lithium (Canada) inc. – Comex (
Wood pellet facility in Chapais
The assessment report is now online (french only).
Forest access roads “H-Section West” and “I”
The assessment report is now public.
Public hearings
James Bay Lithium Mine Project: “Livestream” links
The Environmental and Social Impact Review Committee (COMEX) held two public hearing sessions on the James Bay Lithium Mine project by Allkem/Galaxy Lithium, on January 24 and 25, 2023, in Eastmain and Matagami. The public hearings are now closed however the public may access the recordings of each session via the “Livestream” platform. A reminder that the public has until February 27, 2023, to submit a brief or questions and comments regarding the project.
To access the Livestream sessions : Livetream_James Bay lithium Mine_COMEX (
Public hearings – James Bay Lithium Mine Project
COMEX announces that it will hold two public hearing sessions (on site and online via Zoom) for the James Bay Lithium Mine project on January 24 and 25, 2023. The hearings will also be broadcast live on Facebook and Livestream.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 1:00 PM in Eastmain
Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 1:00 PM in Matagami
For more information on the project: James Bay Lithium Mine (
Press release: Press release_James Bay lithium Mine (
Public hearing – Hybrid Power Plant Project
**** Zoom and Livestream ****
COMEX announces that an in-person and online (hybrid format) public hearing session for the Hybrid Power Plant project will be held on February 23, 2022, at 1pm in Whapmagoostui.
A Zoom session will be accesible from our Facebook page: Secretariat Comex.
We will be accepting questions regarding the Hybrid Power Plant project via Facebook Messenger, during the public hearing.
The public hearing will also be broadcast using Livestream at: Public Hearing: Hybrid Power Plant Project | The Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) (
For more information on the project: Whapmagoostui Kuujjuaraapik Hybrid Power Plant Project
For more information on the forthcoming public hearing and to consult the Press release: Press release
Public hearings – Rose Lithium-Tantalum Mining Project
COMEX announces that it will hold three online public hearing sessions for the Rose Lithium-Tantalum mining project on February 15, 16 and 18, 2021 with Zoom. The hearings will also be broadcast live on Livestream.
For more information on the project: Rose lithium-tantalum mining project
For more information on the forthcoming public hearings (rooms, Zoom links, virtual mode process): Rose lithium-tantalum mining project (section Public participation – Announcement of public hearings by COMEX)
To access press release : Press release
Public hearings for BlackRock mine project
COMEX held public hearings on December 3 and 4, 2018 in Chibougamau and Oujé-Bougoumou on the BlackRock mining project, which aims to exploit a deposit for the production of an iron-vanadium concentrate.
Informations on the project, sound recordings and transcripts of the public hearings are available at the following link: BlackRock mining project.
Sound recordings and submissions
Construction of forest access roads “H-Section West” and “I”: sound recordings and submissions relative to the public hearing of January 19th, 2016, in Waswanipi are now available.
Public hearing in Waswanipi on January 19
Project of construction of a forest access road in Sections H West and I : COMEX announces a public hearing in Waswanipi on December 8th 2015
Public hearing postponed
Construction of forest access roads “H-Section West” and “I”: COMEX hearing in Waswanipi postponed
Press Release
Project of construction of a forest access road in Sections H West and I : COMEX announces a public hearing in Waswanipi on December 8th 2015.