Whabouchi mining project : Environmental and social impact assessment
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Information on the projet
Nemaska Lithium inc.
Reference number
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Project summary
The Whabouchi mining project consists of the exploitation and development of a deposit of spodumene, a mineral rich in lithium. The project includes an open pit, a waste rock and tailings pile and a concentrator. The mine will produce approximately 200,000 tonnes per year of spodumene concentrate. The concentrate will then be transported to the processing plant in Shawinigan for conversion to lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate. The total estimated operating time is 26 years.
For more information on this project, please visit: http://www.nemaskalithium.com/fr/developpement-responsable/documents-et-liens/.
Details on location
The Whabouchi mining project is located 30 km east of the Cree community of Nemaska and 280 km north of the municipality of Chibougamau. It is located on the territory of the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Regional Government and is accessible via the Route du Nord.
Preliminary information
- 2011-07-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Preliminary information – Final version, july 2011, 19 pages (french only).
Environmental and social impact assessment
- 2011-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Archaeological potential study, december 2011, 36 pages (french only).
- 2012-04-24 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Hydrological study, april 2012, 63 pages (french only).
- 2012-09-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Archaeological inventory, september 2012, 70 pages (french only).
- 2013-03-28 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Environmental and social impact assessment, march 2013, 598 pages.
- 2013-03-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Geochemical Characterisation of Waste Rock, Ore and Tailings, march 2013, 949 pages.
- 2013-06-21 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Results of water quality and modeling, june 2013, 87 pages (french only).
- 2013-07-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Addenda to the ESIA, Water balance and modeling of effluent quality, july 2013, 3 pages (french only).
- 2014-04-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Answers to COMEX questions and comments, april 2014, 1183 pages (french only).
- 2014-06-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Sound impact study, june 2014, 44 pages (french only).
- 2014-10-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Validation of potential walleye spawning sites in Lac des Montagnes - Activity report, october 2014, 31 pages (french only).
- 2014-10-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Determination of background levels in groundwater - Activity report, october 2014, 87 pages (french only).
- 2014-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Results and compensation for serious damage to fish - Activity report, december 2014, 68 pages (french only).
- 2014-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Surface water and sediment quality - Activity report, december 2014, 593 pages (french only).
- 2014-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Modeling of the dispersion of atmospheric emissions - Activity report, december 2014, 157 pages (french only).
- 2014-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Prediction of the quality of the mining effluent - Activity report, december 2014, 71 pages (french only).
- 2014-12-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Modeling of the mining effluent, december 2014, 282 pages (french only).
- 2015-02-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Addenda - Answers to COMEX questions, february 2015, 44 pages (french only).
- 2015-04-30 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., ant les transportation options for spodumene concentrate between the mine and the trans-shipment site selected, april 2015, 3 pages (french only).
- 2015-06-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., evaluation of the contribution of sources to receivers having exceeded a standard of PST, june 2015, 12 pages (french only).
- 2013-05-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Summary, may 2013, 70 pages (french only).
- 2015-01-01 NEMASKA LITHIUM INC., Summary (Update), january 2015, 50 pages.
Public participation - Reports submitted during the public hearing
- 2015-03-30 Abel Wapachee
- 2015-03-30 Bella Jolly
- 2015-03-30 Cree Nation of Nemaska
- 2015-03-30 Report - Impact on the aquatic environment
- 2015-03-30 Edith Matoush
- 2015-03-30 Freddy Jolly
- 2015-03-30 Harry Wapachee
- 2015-03-30 James Wapachee
- 2015-03-30 Matthew Wapachee
- 2015-03-30 Wah-Sees Indohound
- 2015-03-30 Work Group
- 2015-03-30 Cree Board Health and Social Services of James Bay
- 2015-04-01 Chambre de commerce de Chibougamau
- 2015-04-01 Développement Chibougamau
- 2015-04-24 Kenny Jolly Sr
- 2015-04-30 Ville de Chibougamau
- 2015-04-30 Youth Group
- 2015-04-30 Women Group
- 2015-04-30 Lindy Moar
- 2015-04-30 Nemaska Work Group
- 2015-04-30 Petition initiated by Matthew Wapachee
Public participation - sound recordings
Documents produced by COMEX
- 2015-02-13 Minutes of the working meeting with Nemaska Lithium inc., february 2015, 3 pages.
- 2015-06-18 Recommendation of COMEX-CA, june 2015, 83 pages.
Documents produced by the MDDELCC
- 2012-01-01 MDDELCC Whabouchi mining project directive, january 2012, 23 pages (french only).
- 2013-10-29 MDDELCC Whabouchi mining project Questions and comments, october 2013, 48 pages (french only).
Table provided by MDDELCC
Some of the information on this website may have been supplied by external sources. The Review Committee assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely on this information should consult directly with the appropriate source.
Certificate of authorization issued on September 8, 2015
For more information on the certificate of authorization amendment requests, follow-up reports and the related documents for this project, please visit : https://comexqc.ca/cr/fiches-de-projet/projet-minier-whabouchi-modifications-de-certificat-dautorisation-rapport-de-suivis/.